This is a project of Bounded Labs, built for people who are looking for examples of PRFAQs and are willing to contribute their created examples for others!

What is a PRFAQ?

PRFAQ stands for Press Release, Frequently Asked Questions.

What is a PRFAQ used for?

Popularized by Amazon, a PRFAQ is used as a way to define and test ideal product outcomes before any work is done.

Limit each press release section of your PRFAQ to 4-5 sentences.

Examples of PRFAQs:

I have a PRFAQ to include - how do I do that?

  1. Copy the template that is included below (or use another if you like something similar).
  2. Include your PRFAQ in the body of an email. Be sure to include the entire PRFAQ in the body (information in the subject line will not be used).
  3. Send your PRFAQ to newprfaq at and we will review it and include it in our directory, if deemed useful members.
  4. Share this resource with those who might find it useful!

PRFAQ Template






Company Rep Quote

How To Get Started

Customer Advocate Quote

Call to Action


A Bounded Labs project.